Selected Publications
Reports (principal/major contribution)
•	Organic Action Plans: Development, implementation and evaluation. A resource manual for the organic food and farming sector (2008) Final output of EU 6th Framework Organic Action Plan Project (ORGAP). See 
•	Action Plan 2006: Organic Action Plan for Northern Ireland (2006) produced by Organic Action Plan Group-NI by Department of Agriculture and Rural Development NI.
•	Organic Agriculture for Turkey – 21 reports arising from EuropeAid funded project for Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (2007-2008)
•	Evaluating inputs for organic farming – a new system (2006). Final project report (CD and webbased) for EU Concerted Action Project “Organic Inputs Evaluation” (QLK-CT-2002-02565). FiBl, Switzerland. 
•	Review of the Forest Stewardship Council’s Pesticide Indicators and Thresholds. Report to Forest Stewardship Council International Center, Bonn, Germany; prepared with Pesticide Action Network – UK, London, UK. April 2005
•	UK and EU policy for approval of pesticides suitable for organic systems: Implications for Wales. Report prepared for the Welsh Assembly Government by EcoS Consultancy, Organic Centre Wales, ADAS Consulting Ltd., Pesticide Action Network UK, University of Wales, Bangor. March 2004
•	Organic Farming Research: A review of UK research and development for organic food and farming. Report to Defra (Project OF 0338) Elm Farm Research Centre and Eco-Stopes Consultancy. August 2003
•	Optimising Organic Pig Production: A guide to good practice (2002). Report for Defra Research Project with ADAS, Eastbrook Farm Organic Pigs, Newcastle University, Eco-Stopes Consultancy. Report authored by A. Martins, H. Kelly, J. Day, C. Stopes, H. Browning, S. Edwards (2002) ADAS

Refereed papers
•  Demiryurek K, Stopes C, Guzel A (2008)  Organic Agriculture: the case of Turkey. Outlook on Agriculture 37(4) 261-268
•    Kelly H R C, Browning H M, Day J E L, Martins A, Pearce G P, Stopes C, Edwards S A (2007)  Effect of breed type, housing and feeding system on the performance of growing pigs managed under organic conditions. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 87:2794-2800 2007 Elsevier
•	Verkerk R H J, B Burles, S Hickok, C Stopes (2005) Potential for novel, metallo-ion products in inducing pathogen resistance in crops, and their use as post-harvest crop presevatives and disinfectants. British Crop Protection Council (BCPC), Glasgow, UK, November 2005. 
•	Stopes, C., E.I. Lord, L. Philipps & L Woodward (2002) Nitrate leaching from organic farms and conventional farms following best practice. Soil Use and Management (2002) 18, 256-263 British Society of Soil Science, Elsevier
•	Stopes, C., Duxbury, R. & Graham, R. (2001)  Organic Egg Production: Consumer Perceptions. In Eds. D.Younie and M.Wilkinson: Organic Livestock Farming: Principles, Practicalities and Profits. Chalcombe Publications, Lincoln, UK
•	Stopes, C., Duxbury, R.. & Graham, R. (2000) UK Organic Poultry - What do UK consumers expect? Paper to 13th International Scientific Conference of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements: The World Grows Organic, 28-31 August 2000, Basel, Switzerland.
•	Welsh, J.P., Bulson, H.A.J., Stopes, C.E., Froud-Williams, R.J. & Murdoch, A.J. (1999) The critical weed free period in organically-grown winter wheat. Annals of Applied Biology, 134: 315-320
•	Bulson, H., Snaydon, R.W. and Stopes, C.E. (1997).  Effects of plant density on intercropped wheat and field beans in an organic farming system.  Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambs. 128, 59-71
•	Bulson, H.A.J., Welsh, J.P., Stopes, C. and Woodward L. (1996) Agronomic viability and potential economic performance of three organic four year rotations without livestock, 1988-1995. Aspects of Applied Biology 47,  277-286
•	Stopes C., S. Millington, and L. Woodward   (1996) Dry matter and nitrogen accumulation by three leguminous green manure species and the yield of a following wheat crop in an organic production system.  Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 57, pp 189-196. http://www.orgap.orghttp://www.organicinputs.orgshapeimage_1_link_0shapeimage_1_link_1